A discerning social page dedicated to the spread of good taste.


Grey Poupon had long lost its muster since its world famous “Pardon Me…” ad campaign of the 1980s.

But instead of trying to collect as much quantity of Likes as possible as other brands do, Grey Poupon would focus on the quality of Likes by making the first members-only Facebook page. 

Fans of the brand were asked to apply for membership of "Society of Good Taste" on Grey Poupon's Facebook page. An algorithm scanned a user's Facebook profile to determine whether or not they’d be accepted.

The absurdly elite Facebook page and classy, yet cheeky prizes helped make Grey Poupon's fresh new approach more accessible than it ever had been before. Overall, the brand saw more that 109MM earned media impressions, and engagement on the page during the campaign exceeded expectations.


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Once a member, alas, your privileged tweets and posts.


Quite Pinteresting.


Executive Creative Director: Jason Gaboriau
Associate Creative Directors: Alexandra Sann, Mike Kohlbecke
Senior Team: Rachel Carlson, Patricia Ortiz
Art Director: Jiangzi Tan