Breaking Instagram to make you popular.
Cricket Wireless needed a more authentic presence on Instagram. So we started with a social truth: not getting many likes on an Instagram post is embarrassing.
But… when reaching eleven Likes on Instagram, it not only shorthands your Likes by showing you that you have more than a few Likes, it also statistically increases your likelihood of getting exponentially more Likes.
So we created a social hack. Cricket Wireless left no one unloved, giving anyone on Instagram eleven more likes who hashtagged "#11Likes" thus catapulting you into social media popularity. That's certainly something to smile about.
When Instagram changes its rules after your campaign, you've done something right.
First, we got the word out.
Then, we watched it catch fire.
Curious who'd the squad that's giving out likes so generously?
We created unique profiles for each Cricket charactor so people can interact with them.
Executive Creative Director: David Kim
Creative Director: Chean Law
Art Director: Jiangzi Tan
Copywriter: Britton Rice